Soldiers For Jesus MC - Kansas Chapter
Our story begins in 2016 on a return trip from a rally in Arkansas.
It was on that trip, that the now President for SFJMC Kansas had a divine appointment with an SFJMC member from Nebraska. They talked, exchanged info and went their separate ways. Fast forward to 2017...
Living Proof Church in Paola, KS. was looking to expand their "Biker Sunday" into a bigger event in the town of Paola. Looking for a guest speaker with a phenomenal testimony, they stumbled across Big Al Aceves.

A former founding member of a major 1% motorcycle club.
Big Al agreed to being the guest speaker at the Biker Sunday event. Big Al, who lives in California and is friends with local, national, and International SFJMC members, felt led to connect the "DOTS" with some Soldiers for Jesus MC members.
It was at this point that God's plan for an SFJMC Kansas chapter began unfolding and became reality in the Kansas City area.
Not only did Big Al come to Kansas to give his testimony- but he brought with him a SFJMC California chapter President, several SFJMC members and Pablo-SFJMC International President.
That was the birth of Soldiers for Jesus MC in Kansas.
The local Kansas members began the long journey of learning what the SFJMC ministry is about.
They began earning the respect of the local area clubs. This was a multiyear process in which the men first rode as a support group.
Then rode slick back for a time and after demonstrating their commitment to serving the Lord in this calling they were raised to a probationary chapter.
In 2020 Kansas became an official SFJMC chapter.
The SFJMC Kansas chapter has now earned the respect of local clubs and seen as a valuable spiritual asset to the biker community in Kansas City and surrounding areas on both sides of the state line.
The Kansas chapter looks forward to continually being the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus as they serve everyone they encounter.
Take the time to get to know your local chapter of SOLDIERS FOR JESUS MC ... I think in doing so, you’ll get to see their servant’s heart, love for Jesus and love of motorcycles and the motorcycle community they attract.
If you would like to learn more about the Soldier for Jesus MC organization please visit our national web site.